Gr. 4/5 Co-Ed Soccer
We are so excited to be running a Clearbrook soccer team this year. Experience and equipment not required. However, students should try to bring shin pads, and soccer cleats if they have them.
The practice schedule will start the week of Oct 7th and will be as follows:
MONDAYS 2:45-3:45pm
THURSDAYS scrimmage @ lunch
For safety reasons, it is expected that you pick your child up from Clearbrook Elementary after the practices and that they do not walk home alone, as it is starting to get darker earlier. If you need to make other arrangements for your child to get home, please let Mrs. Krause know.
There are three play days scheduled for this year. They will all be held at John Maclure Community School (2990 Oriole Crescent Abbotsford BC).
It is the parent’s responsibility to transport their own child to and from the game.
The play days are as follows:
Tuesday, October 15, 3:10-4:30 p.m. @ John Maclure Community School
Tuesday, October 22, 3:10-4:30 p.m. @ John Maclure Community School
Tuesday, October 29, 3:10-4:30 p.m. @ John Maclure Community School
Students should bring a water bottle and a healthy snack to eat between games on the playdates.
Students should also bring warm clothing to wear when they are not playing.
Your child has expressed an interest in playing on our Clearbrook team this year.
Please look over this practice and game schedule to make sure it works in your
schedule. If it does, please give consent using the permission form that was sent
to you through School Cash online.
Thank you.