Gr. 4/5 Cross Country Running Team
The permission form and fee will be collecting on school cash online.
The practices and run days will be as follows:
Practices will be at lunch on MONDAYS and FRIDAYS. Practices will start Friday, September 20, 2024.
Wednesday’s after school will be our run days over at Clearbrook Park.
The run days will be September 25th and October 2nd and 9th.
On race days, please make sure your son/daughter GOES HOME right after school, has a healthy snack and some water and then comes back to the park in time for their warm-up and race time. Your child should make sure not to eat 30 minutes prior to coming to the park.
Please be advised that the warm-up will be lead by one of the cross-country coaches, who will then take them to the start line. You are encouraged to stay and cheer on your child while they are running. Please note, no child is able to stay from after school and come to the park on their own. We will be located right by the gate from the far corner of Clearbrook Elementary into Clearbrook Park field and the cement walkway. We will try to have our Clearbrook Elementary banner to make it easy to find.
Grade/Gender Warm up time Race start time
Gr. 4 GIRLS 3:20pm 3:45pm
Gr. 5 GIRLS 3:35pm 4:00pm
Gr. 4 BOYS 3:50pm 4:15pm
Gr. 5 BOYS 4:05pm 4:30pm
As soon as the students finish their run, they are free to leave with their parent/guardian but must advise one of the cross-country coaches so they know you are leaving and hand in your jersey (with number attached) to their coach.
There is a $10.00 entry fee for each student that MUST be paid using School Cash Online before Sept 22nd – NO late registrations will be allowed
(this is the only school sport that has a cost associated because it is run by the Valley Royals Track and Field Club)
The payment of $10.00 will be waived if it causes financial hardship.
In this case, please contact the principal with your request.
Please email Mrs. Krause at courtney.krause@abbyschools.ca or call the school if you have any questions or concerns.
Thank you for your support in this extra-curricular activity. I am excited your child is wanting to join our team.
Mrs. C. Krause