Clearbrook StrongStart
Quality Early Learning Experiences
StrongStart is offered to parents and caregivers with children ages zero – five years. There is no cost to families but the parent/caregiver is required to remain with their child and participate in the program. It is not necessary to have English as a first language to attend the drop in programs.
StrongStart centres offer preschool aged children, quality early learning experiences. These centres offer play based early learning opportunities and demonstrate to parents and caregivers how they can enhance their child’s development. The emphasis of the program is on learning through play, language and positive social interactions.
All sessions at Clearbrook Elementary will run 8:30 am - 11:30 am, Monday to Friday. NATURE THURSDAYS @ CLEARBROOK PARK WILL RESUME BACK IN THE SPRING.
StrongStart centres will be closed on all non-instructional days, as well as all school holidays. Sites may need to close for a variety of reasons with little or no notice. If a location needs to close for a day, we will communicate this information as soon as we can. For more information on StrongStart go to the Ministry of Education website.
For the safety of StrongStart facilitators and families the following changes have been made:
- MAX of 20 participants per site (please try to limit 1 adult per family)
- Enhanced hand washing and cleaning
Here are some suggestions to get the most our of your experience in a StrongStart BC program:
- Introduce yourself to the StrongStart BC facilitator and help your child introduce themselves
- Sign in every day
- Allow your child to observe an activity or group experience before participating
- Relax, learn, and have fun with your child and other families
More info can be found at https://www.abbyearlyyears.com
For any questions regarding the StrongStart program, please contact Ravinder Seehra here or Donna Wright, District Principal of Early Learning here.