All parents at Clearbrook Elementary are PAC parents! Clearbrook Elementary has a hard-working PAC that provides many wonderful opportunities, events and experiences for all students. New to PAC and PAC meetings? Come and see what it is about!
The purpose of the Parent Advisory Council (P.A.C) is to promote and support education and to contribute to a sense of school community. P.A.C. meetings give parents and school staff a time and place to talk about how to work cooperatively to make Clearbrook Elementary a good place for children. All parents and guardians of students registered at Clearbrook Elementary are voting members of the P.A.C.
The P.A.C. makes recommendations regarding:
- School Growth Plans - GOALS
- Curriculum, especially about new programs and learning resources
- School spirit
- Money matters, including fundraising and needs
P.A.C. Executive for 2024/2025
Chair: Wai Obert
Vice Chair: Heather Geddert
Treasurer: Britanny Lowe
Secretary: Ramneek Khattar
DPAC Rep: Ginna Johal
Hot Lunch Coordinator: Heather Geddert
Fundraising Coordinator: Karen Kang
Can you help?
- Must have completed a criminal record check