Study Tips
When you teach your child good study habits at an early age, she will carry them with her through adulthood. Good study habits and make homework time easier on everyone
- Help your child recognize the importance of good study habits. Teach your child the importance of developing good study habits. Show him that possessing good study skills will help him later on in life and not just now in the present. Help your child to understand the importance of learning to study on his own. No doubt, your child’s teachers have also been instilling this quality during a regular school day. It is your job to pick up when your child is at home.
- Isolate a nice quiet spot for studying. Turn off the television! It is next to impossible to concentrate on studying when your child’s favorite cartoon or kid’s show is on. If you live in a home where the computer dominates most of your child’s free time, turn it off too. Turning off the television and the computer erases major distractions that could otherwise hinder your child’s ability to study. Find a quiet and neutral room, preferably a guest bedroom or a den. Introducing your child to a quiet environment may be met with some resistance at first, but it is very important to establish rules about quiet study time from the beginning.
- Set up a work space for your child that includes everything she will need to do homework, such as paper, pencils, a dictionary, paperclips, staples and folders. Part of having good study habits is having an organized work space. Be present when your child is studying. Be there when your child is studying and make yourself available for any questions that she may have. It is important for parents to show interest and participate in their child’s learning. When your child realizes that you are there to help her through this process, she will be open to studying harder
- Ask viewpoint questions when helping your child study. Ask viewpoint questions that will help your child to use his brain while studying. Ask questions that will challenge the mind and stimulate further research and imagination in order to find the answer. Most children enjoy learning, but dread studying. Make the study time fun for them. Appeal to your child’s natural desire to learn and build on that.
- Get familiar with the material being studied. Get acquainted with the material that your child is studying. It would be quite difficult to help your child with algebra if you are not familiar with the basic concepts of it yourself. Once you’ve become familiar with the course of study that your child needs to learn, then you will be in a better position to help. Take the initiative.
- Establish a homework routine. Discipline and routine are the cornerstones of good study habits. Encourage your child to complete her homework at the same time every day. The routine will soon become second nature.
- Put up a calendar and encourage your child to write down due dates for assignments. Strong time management skills are an essential study habit.
- Know your child’s limitations. Learn your child’s limitations. Each child, like each adult, has an individual learning curve and a unique learning ability. The key to helping your child study effectively is to learn her limit. Some children can study for hours without a break, while others need a break every 15 to 20 minutes. Once you find your child’s learning limit, you will be able to successfully help her study effectively, without burning out or getting bored.